Great thanks for this and all the other wonderful photographs in this post and on Wellfitting.com go to Michael Contreras, a dear friend and fabulous photographer that I am so lucky to be working with these days. Please check him out at michaelpaparazzo.com.
What ho, Gentle Readers! For those of you who follow the brog’s social media, this will not be a surprise. Well, the fact that I am posting might be a surprise – I know it’s been ages – but the announcement should be familiar: I’m now doing some modeling for Wellfitting.com I never thought I would end up being able to say I am a lingerie model, and it still feels a bit bizarre, but I really enjoyed doing the shoot and am so flattered that they want to feature me on their website. You all probably know Wellfitting, but if not, let me introduce you.
Wellfitting.com distributes bras by Comexim in the US, which makes things exponentially easier for those of us who adore Comexim’s lovely styles, fabulous size range, and availability of customizations. They don’t carry all of Comexim’s styles, but they carry a good selection and they have a lovely selection of exclusive styles as well. That’s where I come in – I got to model all four of their exclusive styles, including – *swoon* – two LONGLINES!!!!
Insert dancing sparkleunicornsomethigerother here. Because Longlines. In my size.
—Disclaimer— I am actually saving the first longline for the next post. Which is weird, I know. But sometimes that’s just how I roll. Bravantgarde deserves its own post, because look how pretty it is!
Usually I do themed posts and stories or things of that nature, but since I already had pictures taken for these and I wanted to get the word out, I’m just sharing the pictures from the photoshoot here. Make sure to check them out on Wellfitting’s website, too, and, should you be so inclined, to use the wee discount at the end of this post to pick up a few pretties of your own. Hee.
As many of you probably do, I have trouble finding bras that fit. There aren’t very many companies that carry my size at all, and those that do… Well, just because something technically comes in the right size doesn’t mean it’s going to fit. The options for me, in terms of cut as well as brand, have been pretty limited for, well… Basically forever. My two most coveted cuts were balconettes and longlines, especially, dreamily, tearing-up-a-little-every-time-I-saw-one, the longlines. Oh longlines, how I longed for you! Sorry, couldn’t resist throwing that in just the once. Heh. Also, don’t get me started on Freya Decos. For the love of all things holy, what I would not give to fit in Decos. But I digress.
Anyway, obviously I was thrilled when Wellfitting asked to send their new line to me for review and modeling, given that included not only a demi but TWO longlines! Oh, happy day! But before I get carried away, I’m going to go ahead and start with the Bravantgarde Demi as it’s absolutely lovely and I don’t want it to get overshadowed by my own insane obsession with certain other cuts. *Ahem*
The Bravantgarde is a demi, which can be hard to find in the larger cup size universe. A lot of people seem to think that good support can only be found with full coverage, which has really not been my experience at all. Of course, needs for these things vary with breast shape and composition, so any given person may indeed want full coverage to give them that happy feeling. In my case, though, variety is definitely appreciated, as is the ability to wear clothing with varying necklines without showing off my underoos in the process. Enter the demi.
As you can see, full-coverage it is most decidedly not. (Duh.) What it is, however, is absolutely lovely. The festive but not-overly-busy vibrant floral print is enhanced by the light sheen of the fabric, and the lining of narrow black lace at the top helps to finish off the look, which really broadcasts quality as well as style. I happen to love little touches like the bow at the top of the gore, so that’s just icing on the (cup)cake for me.
Comexim is known for having narrow wires and for grading the wires appropriately to band size, which is basically a miracle in my size range; Wellfitting’s Bravantgarde is no exception. And while obviously the demi style means the cups will not run high in the front, I also appreciate that they don’t rub at the armpits or next to my arms.
The band is nice and tight in my chosen size of 60 (that’s 28 for those of you thinking in British/US sizing), with four rows of three hooks. I have worn it a few times now, and I’m still happy on the loosest set of hooks, which bodes well for six months from now when I am still needing to wear it with practically every low-cut thing I own. Another thing I like is that the elastic isn’t a lot tighter than the band itself, which I have found to be a problem in bras in the past (not Wellfitting bras, just in general). This makes for better weight-distribution and minimizes uncomfortable cutting in.
You may notice that in a few of the photos things are getting a little bit… Well, bulgey. It’s true. I know. Bad form, Blogger Who Claims to Know Stuff About Bra Fitting! Here’s the problem, though: my boobs are always, always growing. Which means that between when I made arrangements with Wellfitting to have these sent and when they arrived, I grew a bit. So they’re a smidge too small here at size 60P. Sorry, Gentle Readers. I don’t control them, I just do my best to haul them around without knocking anything over. Do not, I repeat DO NOT let me near a china shop.
Slight size issues aside, I really like the shape of this bra. Nice and full, round and centered well on the front of my chest (as opposed to east/west-ey or in my armpits)… Just a nice everyday look for me. Your mileage may vary, as everyone has their own comfort spot for breast shape and cleavage. If you haven’t already discovered the great blog Bras I Hate & Love now would be a great time to do so, so you can know what I’m talking about when I say I prefer something between the purple and green shapes in her now-canonical post, “What Exactly is ‘Good’ Shape?”
Basically, I like the roundness of the purple with the uplift and projection of the green. I know, picky picky. But really, I’ve had to deal with enough crap for having these things; they could at least array themselves in the fashion I find most pleasing, no? I say yes. Harumph.
Anyhow, the Bravantgarde is one of the only bras I own that really hits a sweet spot on the rounded vs uplifted thing. And as you can tell, I have a thing for sweets.
If you do too, and want to get one of these sweet little numbers for yourself, head over to Wellfitting.com and tell them Miss Shapen sent you. Or, better yet – use the code “misshapen” on any order over $79 (U.S.) for 10% off!
*Quick note: as always, non-customized Wellfitting bras are returnable and have free shipping. Gore customization is available on the demis, although the lower cups option is limited to plunges. Customized bras aren’t returnable, so if this is your first Wellfitting or Comexim bra, consider trying a standard cut to figure out what you will suit you best.
Stay tuned next time, Gentle Readers, for the Abracadabra Longline! Same bra time, same bra channel….