Weirdly Shaped and Well Photographed

… a blog about clothing for curves, bras for giant boobs (and tiny backs!), and escaping the scourge of the dreaded BoobLoaf and ButtChest.

A Mini-Post About a Mini-Vest!


Hello Gentle Readers!

As you know, I don’t generally post short informational posts here, as I save them for the Tumbrog, etc., but I really wanted to share something with you today as time is of the essence and I think it’s more than worthwhile.  So here you go!

Hong Kong based company Braologie makes custom-sized bras and posture-contour, and I am a HUGE fan of their stuff, especially their posture contour mini-vests, which I wear nearly every day.  They have recently come out with an updated version of the mini-vests, now called Bracies, and they are having a sale from now until November 25th – Bracies are $25.99 with free worldwide shipping (rather than the usual cost of $39.99 + $15 shipping)!  I am planning on doing a full review and discussion of Braologie’s products in the future, but I wanted to do a short post now so you can benefit from the sale.  Enter the promotion code “BRACIE2013” when checking out at their online store.


From Braologie, regarding the ordering process: “** Entering the promotion code is tricky! when checking out, customer goes to right away, where Paypal collects her shipping and billing addresses. After that, the customer returns to Shopify where she picks a shipping rate, types in a discount code, the price is updated accordingly and, on that same page, your customer gets to finalize his transaction.”

Okay, back to the rest of the post.

Here’s a stock photo of one:


Here’s a picture of me wearing one of mine:


I love these vests because I find that they relieve pressure from having large boobs in a number of different areas.  For one, I often get pain in my ribcage due to wires digging in under the weight of my breasts, especially if my straps aren’t tight enough (either because they are too long overall or because they have loosened over the course of the day).  The Bracie both helps support the breasts from below and through the side-slings, and also disperses the pressure over a wider area underneath the cups.  It has been a big relief to me, and, as I said, I now wear one nearly every day.


On the reverse, the mini-vest greatly widens the area of the back that takes the weight of the breasts, rather than leaving it to a single thin strip under the band (and we all know longlines in 28KK are impossible to find at this point, so it’s really the only option for this).  As someone who has struggled with back pain for years, this is a huge help.

The last feature of the Bracie is one that I don’t necessarily need, but that many women enjoy: it amps up the cleavage a bit.  Ta-da!  Heheh.

To find out more about the mini-vests, check out their Tumblr post about it here, and to purchase, check out the pages in their shops here and here and remember to use the code”BRACIE2013″ on checkout.  The sale is on till November 25th, and I highly encourage any women with posture or pain issues due to breast size to consider picking one up to try it.  I’ve tried similar garments, but none have worked for me as well as Braologie’s have.

If you want a second opinion, here’s a quote from the blogger behind Dressing Curves, with whom I was discussing this the other day.

“…definitely help for my shoulders, shoulder blades and upper back. And ribs. Plus my boobs look bigger. :S”

So there you have it.  Let me know if you end up ordering and how it works out for you if you do.  I am hoping this can be as big a boon to all of you as it’s been to me and is now starting to be for my friend at Dressing Curves (note: you should be following that blog; she may not post often, but when she does they are really worth reading, especially when she writes about bra fit and alterations).  As for this brog, there are more actual reviews and some handy dandy informational posts coming soon. In the meantime…

You know I adore you all, right?

I do, Gentle Readers.  I do.